A New Year’s message to humanity

December 31, 2015

A New Year's message to humanity

It’s the last day of 2015. Amidst the celebrations here and around the globe, Eryn and I set aside a few minutes to connect with our board members for a toast and a quick message for the New Year. They shared with us a personal message about what we each should release and embrace in 2016 (more on this to come). But before parting, they asked if they could offer a message to you. We pass this on with the hope you will find the time to be in the silence of your wisdom.

With all our gratitude and best wishes for you.






Dear ones, you stand with feet in two realms of time—the past and the future. What escapes you in torn vision is this sacred space that now holds you.


Your year has been fraught with much violence because you have too long looked to the past; your new year will be addled with much fear as you are unable to turn away from the future.


But be.


Close your eyes in the silence of the wisdom within you. You are fraught with joy. You are addled with empathy.


In this silence of the present, you hear the hearts beating all around you. You connect; presence of connectivity and love fills you.


Now go forth and know that the light of a thousand suns surrounds you. Love. Love. Love.